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  • Tuesday, May 10, 2011
  • 3:30 PM–3:30 PM
  • Meeter Center Lecture Hall (HL*325)

"The Role of the Holy Spirit in Calvin's Form for the Lord's Supper" presented by Dr. Sue Rozeboom and "John Calvin: More Thrilling Than Commonly Thought" by Rev. Bernhard Glück.

"The Role of the Holy Spirit in Calvin's Form for the Lord's Supper"

Presented by Dr. Sue Rozeboom, 2010 Student Fellowship recipient

John Calvin has been called a "theologian of the Holy Spirit," and with good reason. Woven throughout his theology, including his theology of the Lord's Supper, is a robust understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. How does this come to expression in his form for the celebration of the Lord's Supper? This is the question that shall be explored in this brief talk, which engages history, theology, and liturgical theology.

"John Calvin: More Thrilling Than Commonly Thought"

Presented by Rev. Bernhard Glück, Minister of the Evangelical Church of Württemberg and 2011 Van Halsema Fellowship recipient

Why make a film about John Calvin? Calvin had a great vision which is still before us today. The Geneva Calvin first visited in 1536 was very different from the Geneva which existed at his death in 1564. It was transformed from a provincial town into the center of the Reformed movement and a haven for Reformed refugees from all over Europe. This history entwined with the life of John Calvin makes a fascinating story. Hear highlights of this pastor and film writer’s research and portrayal of Calvin for an intended high quality German film.

The presentations begin at 3:30 PM on Tuesday May 10, 2011, in the Meeter Center on the fourth floor of Hekman Library. All are welcome and refreshments will be served.


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May 2011
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