Tyre Fixed

The Flat Tyre

The Pit Crew

The tyre (South African spelling) on our Kombi (South African name for the VW microbus) is now fixed!

This morning, I changed out the punctured tyre and replaced it with the spare. It was a bit of a chore, actually, to find the spare (tucked under the front bumper). Then, we had to find a jack (there was a very nice one in the garage) and a tyre wrench (again, in the garage). Beats me where those things are hidden on the Kombi. I'll have to figure that out!

On the recommendation of Danie of Bach Motors, I drove the Kombi to Kilotreads where they repaired the puncture within a few minutes. I was told the wheel is "as good as new." As of late this afternoon, it was true: the repaired tyre was still holding air. A couple hours of my time and R40.00 later, we're in business. 

Mark was a great helper throughout the entire process. He found a key that we needed, some required wrenches, and dealt with the lug nuts. (See the photo at the right.)

Today, Tracy bought supplies for Mark's invention project and gifts for Catherine's upcoming birthday.

Catherine enjoyed playing at home with Tosca, Mark, mom, and dad.
