Last Day of Sustainability Class

Black Bug Without White Spots

Catherine and Tosca

Catherine was at daycare today. She cried only once during dropoff this week. This is a big improvement!

Mark's invention presentation went well at school. This afternoon, his friend Matt came to play for two hours.

Tracy went to the University of Stellenbosch Library to do (mostly unsuccessful) research in the morning.

Today was the last day of the Sustainable Development course I've been taking. It has been a great learning experience for me. Lots to consider. Lots to bring back to the States. And, future collaboration possibilities. We'll see where it all goes.

Catherine loves to wander our backyard to play with Tosca and look for bugs. She has a treasure box (old shoebox) in which she's collecting pieces of grass, dead bugs, snails, and sticks. Tonight she found a "dead black bug without white spots" and was eager to show us. She distinguishes between "dead bugs" and "moving bugs." She's very happy to play with "dead bugs" but is leery of "moving bugs."
