Chess Trials Round 2

Mark had the second of two chess trials today. The first trial was last weekend. The opponents were very challenging today, and Mark had one win and one draw in six matches.

Catherine and Tracy went to the Rhenish Fun Day today, but there wasn't much excitement for kids of Catherine's age. It would have been better for Mark, but he was next door at Eikestad for the chess tournament.

Late this afternoon, I installed a UHF antenna in our attic so that we can watch SABC 3 on our new (to us) TV. It must have been 45 °C up there, even though it was only about 28 °C at the time. In the 45 minutes I was up there, my shirt got completely soaked with sweat. At least we can now  watch the cricket which is carried on SABC 3. Later, I replaced a toilet seat that had cracked.

The sunset this evening was gorgeous. See some photos below.
