Isabelle Selles

  • Major: Literature, French
  • Minor: Mathematics
  • Grad Year: 2019
  • Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Studying literature wasn’t the plan for Isabelle Selles '19, but excellent professors and compelling courses led her in a new direction.

What opportunities did you have as an English student (like the Festival or an internship) that prepared you for finding a career?
I have had the opportunity to hold several positions on campus that I am sure will help me in finding a career, not only because I’ve developed tangible skills through them, but also because they have opened me up to fields I wasn’t aware of. I am currently the editorial assistant for the Duke University Press journal Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, edited by Jennifer L. Holberg and Marcy Taylor. I am also a Hudson-Townsend Student Fellow for the Calvin Center for Faith & Writing for the 2017-2018 school year. This past summer, I participated in the McGregor Fellowship Program, which promotes research opportunities for students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. In addition, since I am also a French major, I have had some great opportunities to learn French. This past January, I spent an interim in Montreal, and in the fall, I will be going on the Grenoble semester abroad program to study in France. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and will have to learn French in and out of the classroom.

What part of the English program was most unexpected for you?
The entire program, actually. I came to Calvin sure that I would not study literature—but look where I am now! I have been particularly impressed by the English department faculty and the care they put into their teaching and interactions with students.

What’s one thing that surprised you about Calvin?
I’ve been surprised by the level of care and intentionality that Calvin faculty and staff put into helping students develop as persons. I came into college thinking about what specific skills and concepts I would learn, but I’ve realized over my time at Calvin that I’ve grown and changed in a lot of different ways as well. In my experience, Calvin has prepared me not just for a future career, but also to be a good citizen in whatever community I will live in.

What is your favorite space on campus, and why?
The Center for Community Engagement and Global Learning! Located in the Spoelhof Center, it includes three of my favorite offices: the Service-Learning Center, Off-Campus Programs and the Office of Community Engagement. The office atmosphere is wonderful, some fantastic people work there, and they run some amazing programs.