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Calvinism Resources Database
Advanced Search Help

The Advanced Search screen lets you construct more complex search statements. Each search string entered in a Search for: box uses a single index. Up to three search strings in three indexes can be combined using the Boolean operators AND and OR. You may also choose how you would like your results sorted: by article author, title, the journal in which the article appears, and the year the article was written.

To find information about calvinism AND france, type each search terms in a Search for: box, and change the indexes to Subject.

The indexes available for searching include:

Subject: searches CaRD's official subject headings, such as Calvinism--Lord's Supper.

Author: searches CaRD's official author list.

Title: searches for articles:according to their title.

Journal: searches for articles in a particle Journal title .

Year: searches for articles written in a particular year.

Abstract: Searches for words included in the abstract field. This may or may not inlcude a summary of the article.