Dr. Anthony Bradley, Acton Institute

  • Thursday, April 4, 2024
  • 11:00 AM–12:00 PM

"Justice as Vengeance: Unpacking Kuyper's Antirevolutionary Ideals in Modern Law Enforcement," a lecture by Dr. Anthony Bradley, Acton Institute.

Abraham Kuyper's views on the criminal justice system are articulated in Our Program. Highlighting Kuyper's assertion that the purpose of punishment is to strengthen justice or avenge violated justice, this session will explore the stark contrast between his retributive approach and the rehabilitation model prevalent in contemporary American justice--and the anthropological implications. Through an examination of Kuyper's theological understanding of sin and skepticism towards the efficacy of incarceration for rehabilitation, the session will propose a deeper understanding of how Kuyper's principles challenge modern criminal justice reforms and reflect a profound meditation on justice, punishment, and the societal order.