
The South African National Parks Service has installed several stainless steel maps at key trail crossroads in the park. This is the map at the top of Skeleton Gorge. 

At this point I called the cableway information hotline and found out that the cable car was still not running. So, we had to make a choice: (a) continue to Maclear's Beacon and, ultimately to the upper cableway station in hopes that the weather would improve by the time we got to the cableway, (b) go to Maclear's Beacon, eat lunch and go back down Skeleton Gorge, (c) walk to the Hely-Hutchinson Reservoir for lunch and then back down Skeleton Gorge, or (d) walk to the Hely-Hutchinson Reservoir for lunch and then back down Nursery Ravine (the gorge south of Skeleton Gorge). We chose (d) for reasons of safety and interest (it wasn't the route we took up).