Sustainability Summit

Sustainability Summit Speakers and Organizers

This afternoon, I participated in the University of Stellenbosch Health Sciences Faculty's Sustainability Summit as a speaker and discussion group facilitator. The title of my presentation was "Green Campuses." I facilitated an "energy" discussion and a "campus grounds and land use" discussion. The photo at right shows the speakers and organizers. In the back row we have (l-r) Mark S., Leopoldt v.H., Robert M., and unknown. I'm in the front row with Patrick C., a speaker from the energy services company that performed an energy audit at the Tygerberg campus. 

Tracy had an interview today. She's getting close to the point where she can write an article on what she has learned, because her interviewees are starting to repeat what she has heard before.

Mark and Catherine went their respective ways today, too.

And, we had more bank frustrations today. The ATM at the Standard Bank on Bird Street in Stellenbosch ate my card as I was attempting to withdraw some cash. I needed money for breakfast with Louis. We were discussing the municipal waste situation in Stellenbosch and financial models for a REFIT for pyrolysis processes. I made a couple suggestions to Louis about the model, and at one point he said "that's great, you just paid for your breakfast." I told him "good thing, too. I have no cash!" Janine says I should be able to get my card back tomorrow. She also said that "the machine has been doing that." Hmmmmm. Maybe it should be fixed?
