Paarl Mountain

Before church, I took some outdoor photos of Catherine in the outfit that Claire made for her.

After a quick lunch at the University of Stellenbosch Botanical Garden, our destination for family fun day was the Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve. This reserve is at the summit of Paarl Mountain, near the town of Paarl. The reserve is an incredibly rich fynbos area. We took a short walk from the braai area to a peak (but not the highest one) on a nature trail. Everything seemed to be in full springtime bloom. We were astounded by the incredible floral diversity. 

See many photos below. I divided the gallery into people and flowers. In the flowers section, I begin with big bunches, move to small groups, and end with several images of single flowers. We're not really flower people, so I don't know many of the names. I'm posting all these flower photos for my colleague David, the botanist, who will appreciate them more than I and (most likely) set me straight on the names.
