DUE Conference Day 2

I attended the 2nd day of the DUE conference today. Good stuff all around. Lots to think about, including why someone in poverty would care about climate change, carbon emissions, and sustainability. 

For both days of the conference, I rode with Duncan from the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies. That made for a pleasant ride. Today there were two accidents on the N2 which made the trip extra long.

We saw some very interesting cloud formations while driving across the Cape Flats on the trip to Cape Town today. We took some pictures with Duncan's camera. The clouds looked looked like this. Turns out they are Cumulonimbus with Mammatus clouds and may be an indication of severe weather. See here for another description about half way down. If the photos turn out right, I'll post Duncan's photos here at a later date.

We all did our regular routines today. Mark had field hockey practice after school. We didn't know he had to bring his own stick, because nobody bothered to tell us and because that information is not in the school's handbook. More things that you "just know" if you live here, but outsiders have to figure out for themselves.
