Dinner Party

We spent today getting ready for our evening dinner party for Louis and Amanda and Wikus and Heidi. So, most of the day, I was watching the kids and Tracy was doing setup and cooking.

I looked at the lawn mower and confirmed that it is not operational. Arrrgh! Need to call Johan about that situation.

Our garage door is not working, either. I spent about 30 minutes trying to diagnose the problem. At this point, what I can tell is that the motor continues to try to close the door, even after it is fully shut. So, the motor draws current but doesn't turn. The net result is that the motor gets hot. Not good. I need to do some more investigating tomorrow.

Mark's friend Willem came over to play this afternoon. They had a fun time playing Legos and cricket in the park.

Our evening party was a really nice time. Both Amanda and Louis and Wikus and Heidi hosted us earlier in the year. Now it was our turn to host. We made a new chicken and pasta dish that was just slightly spicy, green bean almondine (I like to say that), and had a delicious cheese cake for dinner. Good friends, good conversation, and good food. A great way to spend an evening.
