ANC in Afrikaans

This sign encourages voters to "Stem ANC" (Vote ANC), because "Together we can do more." The African National Congress is the anti-apartheid organization that won South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994. Most South Africans look back on Nelson Mandela's presidency with great fondness at this point.

The ANC has lost its way a bit since the heady days of 1994. Corruption scandals (involving arms sales and entangling many government officials), a bureaucratic leader who concentrated power in the presidency at the expense of the legislative and judicial branches of government (Thabo Mbeki), and a none-too-graceful ouster of their own president have tarnished the party's image. On the positive side, the ANC have done a TON of good work in terms of providing homes and other basic services (school lunches, health care) for poor and formerly-disenfranchised South Africans. I drive past those houses (with still more under construction) every time I go to Cape Town along the N2.