The Crossing

Traveling along this bridge from right to left would bring you from South Africa to Namibia across the Orange River.

I'm not entirely sure why my friends took the opportunity of this trip to try pulling my leg on many things African. For example, James tried to convince me prior to our arrival that the water in the Orange River was, in fact, orange in color. I declined to agree, and won a bet on the matter. For the rest of the trip, any time I said the word "orange," for example when describing the koppies in the distance, James would ask "did you just say 'orange'? Now you see about the Orange River."

I also learned about swimming Pofadders (which strike from behind), reed snakes (which strike from above), swimming baboons (which are very fast and strike from underwater with very sharp teeth). To top it off, the fish in the river nibbled my sides. I only felt safe when I was moving forward :-)