Sign out one of the many videos the provost's office provides for training in diversity and inclusion.

Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity

Time: 77 min. DVD
Description: In this powerful lecture, anti-racist activist and author Tim Wise discusses the pitfalls of “colorblindness” in the Obama era and argues for deeper color-consciousness in both public and private practice. Wise argues that we can only begin to move toward authentic social and economic equity by acknowledging the diverse identities that have shaped our perceptions and the role that race continues to play in the maintenance of disparities between whites and people of color in the United States today. Read More >>

Cross-Cultural Communication: How Culture Affects Communication

Time: 20 min. DVD
Description: Featuring New York University professors Charlton McIlwain, Cynthia Mitler, and Sue Collins, this program examines issues in cross-cultural communication. It discusses public behavior and taboos, power, stereotyping and prejudice, miscommunication, time conceptualization, socialization, direct and indirect communication, and high context versus low context cultures. The program offers illustrative vignettes and group discussions and considers practical applications for cross-cultural communication skills.

Dawn in the Darkness, Building an Inclusive Biblical Paradigm

Time: 45 min. DVD
Description: The documentary film Dawn in the Darkness addresses the issue of diversity and social justice in the Scriptures by challenging viewers to begin constructing a Biblical paradigm where racial reconciliation and social justice are central to Christian practice and faith. This film reveals how a majority of Evangelical Christian institutions have neglected teaching and practice regarding racial reconciliation, ministry to the poor and social justice.

Faces of America: How 12 Extraordinary People Discovered their Pasts (with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.)

Time: 4 hr. DVD
Description: Since 2007, the Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr., has been helping African Americans find long-buried details about their ancestors by researching their family trees and then, when the paper trail ends, by analyzing their DNA and marrying that information to a wealth of historical data. Now, in Faces of America Gates explores the family trees of twelve of America's most recognizable and extraordinary citizens, individuals who learn that they are of Asian, English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Jewish, Latino, Native American, Swiss, and Syrian ancestry. Read More>>

Racism Reconciliation
Facing Racism: A Biblical Approach to Being An Inclusive Community of God

Time: approx. 4 hours on two DVDs. Six lessons/ units
Description: The Facing Racism DVD was developed by the CRCNA Office
for Race Relations and in cooperation other CRC agencies. This six-session workshop includes a set of discussion questions and a facilitator guide. Session one covers kingdom diversity, session two makes it personal, session three shows and discusses racism in action, session four deals with how to dismantle racism, session five develops skills for reconciliation, and session six teaches us to be bearers of shalom.

Inclusion Insights DVD cover
Inclusion Insights: Stereotypes, Lazy Brains & Unintentional Intolerance

Time: 75 min. 11 lessons/units each between 2 and 10 min. 
Description: Inclusion Insights is a new training program featuring Steve Robbins, the innovative speaker/socio-scientist storyteller who coined the phrase Unintentional Intolerance. Inclusion Insights is a powerful presentation of Steve's latest thinking--why inclusion is important, why it's about creativity and innovation, and not just doing the right thing.

The Learning Objectives of the DVD presentation:
1. Examine how nice, well-meaning people engage in unintentional intolerance.
2. Recognize and understand how closed-mindedness and exclusion take place, and how to become more open-minded to new people and novel ideas.
3. Discover how everyday experiences shape our perspectives and influence our interpretations of the people and world around us.

Incognito: An American Odyssey of Race and Self-Discovery

Time: 75 min. DVD
Description: This book depicts the struggles and triumphs of Michael Fosberg, a young actor in Chicago, as he encounters surprising discoveries about his family roots in his search for his biological father. Read more>>

In Search of Shalom: White People in Reconciliation

Time: 45 min. DVD
Description: This documentary film is intended to stimulate personal thought and group dialogue on the issues of White people in America facing the challenges of racial reconciliation. It gives voice to White people who have embraced the lifelong journey of reconciliation as they strive to participate in building God’s Kingdom on earth. Read more>>

Jim Crow hr's Museum

Description:  Jim Crow hr's Museum is a fast-paced documentary that explores the relationship between Jim Crow hr segregation and everyday objects that belittle African Americans. Caricatured images of Blacks on postcards, games, ashtrays, drinking glasses and other common items portrayed Africans and their American descendants as buffoons, obedient servants, savages, and predators. These derogatory images both shaped and reflected the values of the Jim Crow hr Era. Be warned: Many of the images in the documentary are disturbing and hard to watch.

Lessons from The Color of Fear

Time: 80 min. DVD. 26 lessons/ each lesson includes video clip and discussion questions. Video clips range from 30 sec to 10 min.
Description: This powerful documentary highlights the struggle of individuals learning about racism and changing deeply imbedded beliefs. Acclaimed as the “Best Social Studies Documentary of 1995” by the National Educational Media Association, this film explores the complexity of ethnoracial difference, power and community. It inspires discussions, opens minds and awakens hearts, setting the stage for a new spirit of partnership.

About The Curriculum: Two of the film's principal cast members, Victor Lee Lewis and Hugh Vasquez, draw upon more than 20 years of experience as educators, activists and trainers on diversity issues to create a dynamic educational experience that picks up where the film leaves off. The curriculum includes a combination of interactive presentations, experiential exercises and group discussions concerning the root causes or racial/ethnic divisions, the effects of internalized racism, strategies for creating and maintaining coalitions, and building a legacy of inter-ethnic alliances. It is a great starting point for any and all educators, parents, students and community members.

Let Justice Roll On: The Life and Legacy of John M. Perkins

Time: 60 min. DVD
Description: Dr. Perkins is president of John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation and Development of Jackson, Mississippi. He is one of the leading evangelical voices to come out of the American civil rights movement, and he is an internationally known author, speaker, and teacher on issues of racial reconciliation and Christian community development. Read more>>

Meeting David Wilson

Time: 82 min. DVD
Description:  Meeting David Wilson is a feature length documentary about the enduring legacy of slavery in today's young black society. David Wilson, a 28-year-old African-American journalist, travels into his family's past to find answers to America's racial divide. Along the way, he meets another David Wilson, the descendant of his family's slave master. This discovery leads to a momentous encounter between these two men of the same name but whose ancestors were on the opposite sides of freedom. Read more>>

Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible

Time: 50 min. DVD
Description:  Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible is a brilliant documentary and a must-see for all people who are interested in justice, spiritual grow hrth and community making.  It features the experiences of white women and men who have worked to gain insight into what it means to challenge notions of racism and white supremacy in the United States. The stories in the film reveal what is often required to move through the stages of denial, defensiveness, guilt, fear, and shame into making a solid commitment to ending racial injustice. This film catalyzes powerful dialogue to support the learning, change and healing of all people who want to undo race-based oppression. Featuring: Tim Wise, Joe Fahey, Peggy V. McIntosh, Marguerite Parks, Gary Howard and many more. Conversation guide available.

Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts Video
Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts

Time: 12 min. video as part of a 90-minute training
Description: In a unique and powerful way, viewers will experience the impact of stereotypical comments, explore why people don't speak up against stereotypes and other biased behaviors, and learn six techniques for speaking up without blame or guilt.

Ouch! Learning Objectives: a) Understand the impact of stereotypes and biased statements, even when casually said; b) Identify the most common reasons people sit silent in the face of bias and stereotypes; c) Enhance skills for speaking up against stereotypes without blame or guilt.
Ouch! Your Silence Hurts

Time: 9 min. video as part of a 90-minute training
Description: Ouch! Your Silence Hurts challenges viewers by asking, "How will you personally respond next time you witness somebody being treated with disrespect?" In a powerful and compelling way, video motivates bystanders to use their voice to speak up for respect on behalf of someone else.

Ouch! Learning Objectives: a) Understand the high cost of silent Collusion; b) Explore the power of the bystander to make a difference; c) Inspire passive bystanders to use their voice as active allies.

Race is the Place

Time: 60 min. DVD

RACE IS THE PLACE offers a new and compelling look at one of the most explosive issues in America today. This video performance documentary presents a bold, lyrical, and often poetical montage of performances by established artists and up-and-coming young talent from minority communities who use words—spoken, sung or chanted—to get their message across. Each explores racism and its continued survival in this country, and each finds a new and innovative way to engage audiences and challenge them to think beyond our traditional conceptions, viewing race through the lens of creativity and performance to stimulate throught and debate. Read More >>

Shattering the Silences: The Case for Minority Faculty

Time: 86 min. DVD
Description: Shattering the Silences cuts through the rhetoric of the current Culture Wars by telling the stories of eight pioneering scholars - African American, Latino, Native American and Asian American. As we watch them teach, mentor and conduct research, we realize in concrete terms how a diverse faculty enriches and expands traditional disciplines and contributes to a more inclusive campus environment. Read More >>

Them And Us
Them and Us: Cultural Awareness

Time: 27 min. DVD
Description: Nice, reasonable people like us are “we,” and strangers with weird beliefs are “they.” This is how many of us see the world. But every “us” is somebody else’s “them.” Those who hold hidden assumptions or stereotypes consider them a recognition of reality, not a prejudice. A common reaction is “you might be prejudiced,” but “I’m a realist.” What is prejudice for “them” is merely a recognition of “the way things are” for “us.” Read More >>

Traces of the Trade cover
Traces of the Trade: A Story From the Deep North

Time: 86 min. DVD
Description: In the feature documentary, filmmaker Katrina Brow hrne discovers that her New England ancestors were the largest slave-trading family in U.S. history. She and nine cousins retrace the Triangle Trade and gain powerful new perspectives on the black/white divide. Discussion and educational materials available. Read More >>

And nobody said anything...Uncomfortable Conversations about Diversity

Description: Critical moments about issues of diversity that arise in college/university classrooms are presented through five vignettes. There are no answers, but each vignette will prompt a rich discussion, evoke other stories and provide opportunities for discussion, and debate on the critical role of teachers in working and teaching for social justice. The guide points out key issues and includes suggested questions

Unnatural inequality making us sick?

Time: 4 hours DVD
Description: This four-hour series crisscrosses the nation uncovering startling new findings that suggest there is much more to our health than bad habits, health care, or unlucky genes. The social circumstances in which we are born, live, and work can actually get under our skin and disrupt our physiology as much as germs and viruses. Read More >>

What's Race Got to Do with It? Social Disparities and Student Success

Time: 49 min. DVD
Description: More than 40 years after the Civil Rights Movement, America faces the paradox of being a nation “with racism, but without racists,” as sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has put it. Racial inequality is harder to recognize in a world where it no longer announces itself with white-only signs. Meanwhile, the idea of “colorblindness” conveniently allows us to condemn prejudice and bigotry while ignoring how racism contributes to the vast disparities that persist right under our noses. Discussion guides available. Read More >>