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About the Calvinism Resources Database

This database provides access to articles, essays, and lectures dealing with John Calvin and Calvinism from the 16th century to the present.

In 1971 the Calvinism Resources Database (CaRD) began as a "Calvin Bibliography" covering the years 1960-1970. It was compiled by Joseph N. Tylenda, a Jesuit priest, and published in the Calvin Theological Journal. Since that time, the Journal has published annually in its November issue the "Calvin Bibliography". The bibliography and database are maintained by the curator of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, and is updated regularly.

The materials covered are international in scope. Scholarly journals such as the following are included:

Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte
Archive for Reformation History
Bulletin de la Societe de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Francais
Calvin Theological Journal
La Revue Reformee
Reformation & Renaissance Review,
Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses
The Sixteenth Century Journal

The database's subject matter is inter-disciplinary in nature and covers various areas such as ethics, social and intellectual histories, the sciences, and theology.

For more information on the content or on using this database, contact Paul Fields, Theological Librarian.