The Library does not own this!
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You've searched WebCat and discovered that the library does not own this book or journal. You have several options.

Double check: Talk to the librarian at the Reference Desk. Ask the librarian to double-check your search. Maybe you missed something.

Interlibrary LoanInterLibrary Loan (ILL): For decades, libraries have shared their resources. Millions of items are loaned between libraries each year. The library's ILL staff will attempt to locate any item, free of charge, you need that is not owned by our library. The average waiting period for an item is 7 to 14 days, so start early! The InterLibrary Loan webpage on the Hekman Digital Library contains the necessary forms and instructions.

Travel: Ask the Reference Librarian for assistance to see if another library in the Grand Rapids area has the material. If you have transportation, you can pick it up directly.


The Library does not own this!
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