Clues for locating an Essay
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An essay is a short work or chapter contained in a book. The book contains the works of several authors. It is sometimes referred to as a "book article," so the citation has characteristics of both a book and an article citation.

Please note! The format of citations vary considerably between databases. All these characteristics may not be present in one citation. If a citation contains two or more of these characteristics, it's probably an essay citation.

1 - A citation for an essay will have numbers referring to the beginning and ending pages of the essay (e.g., p. 277-292) like a journal article citation..
2 & 3 - But the presence of a publisher and the publisher's city (2) and the abbreviation, ISBN (3) identify the item as a book. So, if there are some clues that seem to indicate this citation is for a journal article, these clues help show that this is really an essay in a book.
4 - The word "essay" in the Document type field dispels all doubt.

Frequently, an essay citation contains the word "In" somewhere in the "Source" field.
Clues for locating an Essay
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