German Propaganda Archive Calvin University


The Background: These are some of the illustrations to a chapter by Otto Dietrich on the relationship between Hitler and the German people. The chapter is part of an illustrated coffee-table type book on Hitler that was published in 1936. The chapter translation is available here.

The source: Otto Dietrich,Der Führer and das deutsche Volk,”Adolf Hitler. Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers(Hamburg: Cigaretten/Bilderdienst Hamburg/Bahrenfeld, 1936, pp. 19-26.

The Führer and the German People

In East Prussia While traveling though East Prussia, the Führer visits a farming family.
Hitler in a Crowd The day the Saar returned to Germany.
People on boat salute Enthusiasm as the Führer visits the Hamburg harbor.
People salute Hitler A delegation from the Saar visits the Reich Chancellery.
The hand of Hitler She wants to hold the Führer’s hand.
Each wants to shake the hand of Hitler Everyone wants to shake the Führer’s hand.
Believers of Hitler The farmers also believe in the Führer.
The Elderly follow Hitler The old trust the Führer.
1932 in Hessen A picture from the 1932 election campaign in Hesse.
Hitler visits the sick A visit with one of those injured in Reinsdorf [a major accident].
The masses on August 1934 The April 1934 meeting on the Saar at the Ehrenbreitstein (Koblenz)

[Page copyright © 1998 by Randall Bytwerk. No unauthorized reproduction. My e-mail address is available on the FAQ page.]

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