Matters of sexuality and gender and their intersection with the Christian faith are complex. Following Calvin’s rich tradition of embracing complex conversations guided by our core values (Boldness & Humility, Curiosity & Conviction, Diversity & Inclusion, Tradition & Innovation), we seek to engage these matters with courage, love, generosity, and respect.

Sexuality programming and student support at Calvin aims to give students (and the broader Calvin community) the tools to navigate this complexity – whether it’s providing good information about sex and our bodies, learning how to have healthy dialogue about contentious issues, fostering a culture where students feel free to ask questions and explore ideas, or creating safe spaces where students can find support and community. Through events, student groups, mentoring, and collaboration between offices and departments, the Calvin community is provided with opportunities consider what it means to think deeply, act justly, and live wholeheartedly in relation to our bodies and our relationships.

“Calvin aspires to encourage the free exchange of ideas and frequently question either/or thinking. We view the engagement of various tensions as vital to the Reformed project. We believe that this work sharpens our convictions and helps us gain greater understanding of both God and his world. Our mutual understanding grows when we listen to one another well and leave with deeper understandings of the issues and each other.” (Calvin’s “Freedom of Expression” statement)

Jodi VanWingerden

Jodi VanWingerden

Coordinator for Student Support and Sexuality Programming
Full profile